Register Today for One of Our Signature Sales & Leadership Programs For Network Marketers

Choose Your Mastermind

What masterminds are available?

The Customer First Sales Mastermind (9 weeks) 7/31/24

Recruit Like A Boss Mastermind (9 weeks) 10/22/24 (immediate access to online modules)

Resilient Leader- Community Access- One year

Get Details On What's Included

Talk To Someone Who "Gets It"

We are entrepreneurs too, and we understand the ups and downs.

Talk to someone who understands what's happening in your business and your life, but doesn't have an "agenda" for what you "should" be doing in your business.

We have blindspots too. We also hit walls in our mindset and what we believe we can achieve. Everyone does.

We will show you the tools we use to keep in action even when our mindset tries to hold us back so you can get unstuck whenever you want!

Since we have coached over 9000 entrepreneurs who are in network marketing, there isn't something that hasn't come up yet. We've got you.

Create A "System" to Minimize Overwhelm

You have heard that systems are the key to time freedom. But where do you start and how do you build one quickly?

Follow the templates, checklists and videos that accompany your mastermind so you can be confident that what you are doing today will still work in a few months. No more reinventing the wheel after every training you attend.

Use the coaching sessions and Facebook group to create a plan with all the steps needed to actually build your system instead of talking about doing it for years.

Talk To Someone Who "Gets It"

We are entrepreneurs too, and we understand the ups and downs.

Talk to someone who understands what's happening in your business and your life, but doesn't have an "agenda" for what you "should" be doing in your business.

We have blindspots too. We also hit walls in our mindset and what we believe we can achieve. Everyone does.

We will show you the tools we use to keep in action even when our mindset tries to hold us back so you can get unstuck whenever you want!

Since we have coached over 9000 entrepreneurs who are in network marketing, there isn't something that hasn't come up yet. We've got you.

Create Lifelong Encouragement

The Emerge community isn't going anywhere.

Some of the best crossline or cross-company relationships have been built in Emerge masterminds.

Do you feel like you are sort of alone in your business? You don't have to feel that way anymore.

Once you spend 9 weeks in one of our masterminds you will be connected with true friends who are striving for the same things you are, believe the same values you do, and are sincerely (with no agenda) cheering you on every step of the way.


What's Covered In Each Mastermind?

Stop randomly patching together best practices into a cohesive business strategy (almost impossible). To figure out which mastermind to take, simply follow our recommended steps.

Step 1: Customer First Sales Mastermind

Customize Your Sales, Recruiting, & Retention Outlines So You Know You Are Saying The Right Things

If you have already taken Customer First Sales, or feel confident with your sales, recruiting, and retention outlines for your business, proceed to Step 2.

This is a 9-week mastermind where we will focus on the following skills:

  • Time Management and Productivity
  • Inviting and Setting Appointments
  • Closing
  • Customer Retention
  • Recruiting
  • Launching Builders

This includes online course modules to accelerate learning, templates to build your own customized scripts, and weekly accountability/mindset/strategy coaching calls led by Tasha Smith. Calls are recorded if you have to miss them.

This mastermind will be offered starting Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 @ 8:30 AM Pacific/11:30 AM Eastern. All calls are from 8:30-9:30 AM Pacific for 8 weeks. Tasha will stay after each call from 9:30-10:00 AM Pacific to answer questions. You will be provided with a detailed schedule and topics when you register.

To register for this mastermind click here.

Step 2: Recruit Like A Boss Mastermind- Bust Through Your Recruiting Blocks & Install A System That Consistently Brings In Team Members In

If you have already taken Recruit Like A Boss, or feel confident with your recruiting mindset, strategy, and systems, proceed to Step 3.

This is a 9-week mastermind where we will focus on the following skills:

  • Time management and productivity for leaders
  • Communicating a compelling vision that attracts the right people
  • Addressing objections to the MLM business model
  • Designing a launch process based on your schedule and the size of your team
  • Communicating what you offer as a leader in a way that makes anyone want to follow you
  • Creating a strategy so you have a constant flow of new team members enrolling each month

This includes online course modules to accelerate learning, templates to build your own customized scripts, and weekly accountability/mindset/strategy coaching calls led by Tasha Smith. Calls are recorded if you have to miss them.

This mastermind will be offered starting October 22nd, 2024 (you get immediate access now to online modules). Mastermind meets Tuesdays 8:30-9:30 AM Pacific for 9 weeks. Tasha will stay after each call from 9:30-10:00 AM Pacific to answer questions. You will be provided with a detailed schedule and topics when you register.

To register for this mastermind click here.

Step 3: Resilient Leader Mastermind- Rank Advance Through Systems & Strengths, Not Stress

If you have already taken Customer First Sales and Recruit Like A Boss, this is the next step.

This is an ongoing mastermind where we will focus on the following:

  • Implementing systems in your business so you have a process for everything
  • Upgrading your tools so you can be more flexible with customers and builders, while still staying organized and effective
  • Strength-based coaching so you can ditch the compare and despair and operate your business authentically, with joy

This includes monthly training & implementation workshops led by Tasha Smith. You will also have personalized messenger support from an Emerge coach to help with accountability. Calls are recorded if you have to miss them. Calls are on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 10:30-11:30 am Pacific (and recorded if you can't make it live) 

Monthly themes rotate between productivity, sales, retention, recruiting, and leadership including:

  • August - Stories That Sell
  • September - Successful Business Collaborations
  • October - Upgrade Your Sales Tools
  • November - Strengths-Based Retention
  • December - Yearly Calendar
  • January 2025 - Upgrade Your Recruiting Process
  • There are 2 options for starting in this mastermind:

1. Start 8/13 to participate in "Stories That Sell." The call will be on August 13th at 10:30 AM Pacific. (It will be recorded for those who can't attend the call.)

2. If you are already registered for Customer First Sales, or Recruit Like A Boss, your Resilient Leader enrollment will start the first month after your other mastermind is finished.

* You will be provided with a detailed schedule and topics when you register.

To register for this mastermind click here.

Have questions? Message Karen Here

What Other Network Marketers Are Saying About Emerge Coaching Programs:

Frequently Asked Questions...

What do I get as a member of a mastermind?

In your business, you need to be able to make sales, recruit team members, lead your team, and market through social media. Trying to piece together the training through your upline, company, in-person events, and various coaches can be a lot. We have helped 9000+ network marketers with all areas of their business. Each mastermind contains the best practices of hundreds of top network marketers, years of psychology research, and step-by-step strategies that work together for all areas of your business.

There are live coaching calls each week (2 per month for Resilient Leader) so you can ask questions and stay accountable. Tasha will give you actions to take each week to implement learning and help you sift through ideas that you and other members have for the business. Each mastermind comes with a private members-only group so you can ask questions as they come up and get a personalized answer. Members also post their successes and challenges in the group so each person can learn from real examples in action.

What is the refund policy?

If your confidence and wording don’t improve within the first 30 days of implementation we will give you a full refund.

Can I gift masterminds to my team members?

Yes! When you check out, you will be able to choose a quantity. It will default to 1 mastermind, but if you want to buy multiple, simply increase the number.

Then email us at and we will give your team member access.

Choose The Option That Is Right For You

Keep scrolling to choose between Customer First Sales (Step 1), Recruit Like A Boss (Step 2), or Resilient Leader (Step 3)

If you are a new client bundle all 3 and save over $400!

1. Customer First Sales Mastermind (Most Popular)

  • This is a 9-week mastermind where we will focus on the following skills: Time management and productivity, inviting and setting appointments, closing, customer retention, recruiting, launching builders
  • This includes online course modules to accelerate learning, templates to build your own customized scripts, and weekly accountability/mindset/strategy group coaching calls led by Tasha Smith. Calls are recorded if you have to miss them.
  • This mastermind will start on Wednesday, July 31st at 8:30 am Pacific.

Payment plans available upon checkout

Regular Price $591

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2. Recruit Like A Boss

  • This is a 9-week mastermind where we will focus on the following skills: Time management and productivity for leaders, communicating a compelling vision that attracts the right people, addressing objections with the MLM business model, designing a launch process based on your schedule and the size of your team, communicating what you offer as a leader in a way that makes anyone want to follow you, and creating a strategy so you have a constant flow of new team members enrolling each month.

  • This includes online course modules to accelerate learning, templates to build your own customized scripts, and weekly accountability/mindset/strategy group coaching calls led by Tasha Smith. Calls are recorded if you have to miss them.

  • This mastermind will start on Tuesday, October 22nd, 8:30-9:30 am Pacific (immediate access to online modules now)

Payment plans available upon checkout

Regular Price $797

3. Resilient Leader

  • You will get 12-months of access to this coaching program which is designed to go after Customer First Sales & Recruit Like A Boss, or for people who have already demonstrated basic sales/recruiting skills and are looking to have streamlined systems in their business.
  • Your 12 months will start automatically unless you also are registered for another mastermind. If you are registered for another mastermind, we will start your first month in the month after your other mastermind ends.
  • Monthly training workshop & implementation workshop so that you can take action with confidence 
  • Quarterly virtual retreats so that you know exactly what to do each quarter  
  • Exclusive Roadmap & Portal to make it easier to execute your plan 
  • Exclusive Resilient Leader Facebook group to connect & share wins 
  • Complimentary access to live workshops so you don’t have to choose 
  • Personalized accountability support with an Emerge coach

Payment plans are available upon checkout


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All Of The Emerge (Best Value)

Save $467+

  • Enrollment in Customer First Sales Mastermind, starting 7/31/2024
  • Enrollment in Recruit Like A Boss, once you complete Customer First Sales
  • Enrollment in Resilient Leader- Community Access for 6 Months Once Recruit Like a Boss is Completed

Payment plans are available upon checkout

$2147 (VALUE $2385),

or 12 payments $197

Emerge Sales Training | Copyright 2024