Welcome to the Emerge Sales Hub

Craft Your High Converting Sales Conversation (That’s Actually Comfortable for Your Customers!)

Are you uncomfortable with conversations around money and affordability?  Do your customers seek out less expensive products on Amazon?  Do your customers want membership, but struggle seeing why they need a whole kit?

Watch the replay to learn how you can create your sales presentation that will make selling kits simple with a flow that feels natural and comfortable for both you and your clients.

You can learn how to sell consistently and be a solid leader, without going through grueling years of hard knocks.

How To Align Your Business With Your Strengths #520

Real talk: In the past 60 days, there has been a lot that has changed in our social media strategy. I thought it would be helpful and encouraging to walk through it, and I'm sure that there is going to be at least 1 thing that CLICKS for you so you can show up more...

Why aren’t there more referrals if the product is so good? #516

Yesterday, my client of almost 2 years was cracking up at how hot and bothered I got about this topic of why aren’t there referrals if the product is so good! But it's a really big problem and today we are diving into how to solve for this. I hope it’s helpful!...

How to Get a Customer from “Here” To “There” #515

Pushy and “salesy” people (whether it’s recruiting or products) spend more time talking. Whenever I ask if people have ever worked with a good salesperson, they share that they feel heard, that the person cares about them, and they are working together. The ONLY way...

Here is how your life will change when you learn

how to sell successfully…

THIS IS YOUR LIFE AS A PROFICIENT SALESPERSON:  You no longer dread reaching out to people to tell them about your product (and they no longer dread you doing the same).  Conversations flow naturally and are customer-centric;  meaning your customer continually feels happy and completely engaged.

THIS IS YOUR LIFE AS A PROFICIENT SALESPERSON:  Your calendar is full of appointments to people who are as interested in the product as you are – and who actually will buy from you.

THIS IS YOUR LIFE AS A PROFICIENT SALESPERSON:  The easy feeling of knowing that you can source, book, and close customers whenever you choose to do so makes you feel like you just met Ryan Gossling in person – and he told you he’s been waiting his entire life to meet someone just like you!  (Okay… maybe not that good.  But close!)

We Bring You the View of Your Customer

We are not only sales coaches and sales professionals…we are also big time customers of many different network marketing products.  The philosophy in which we teach is customer first, team second, my  ego third.

Our Programs are Founded in Science

All of our signature courses were written by Tasha Smith very carefully to account for customer psychology and neuroscience.  But don’t worry, we aren’t boring…we are good humans that love to have fun.

We are Actually Here for You

Emerge does not exist to sell online courses and retire off of passive income.  We love nothing more than to be there to support all of our students through our group coaching programs and personal outreach.

Because we have so many wins EVERY DAY pouring in from our students...we just want to show you our daily #emergewin Instagram feed....it's #awesome...

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