Join us at the next FREE

4Life Closing Webinar

to learn about 5 keys to making the closing process

more enjoyable for you and your customers!



Know What to Say

No more glazed over looks from your potential customers.

Close Like a Rockstar

Take these keys and implement into your business right away!

Attend LIVE

We all know where recordings go to die…to your e-mail…so attend live!

Closing Webinar is


October 24th, 2017


5:00m – 6:00pm (Pacific Time)




Registration Closes in:








FREE 4Life Closing Webinar

Attention!  This is not a teaser webinar!  Join us in this free webinar to learn the 5 keys to making closing a more enjoyable process for you and your potentional customer.  Know what to say and how to say it so that you can increase your closing percentage immediately following this webinar.  Check out what students of ALL levels are saying about our programs below!

Never before have I seen a training program take a group of people from such vastly different backgrounds and skill levels and bring them on the same page of delivering consistent value to their customers and to the ultimate success of their business. Emerge sales training has simplified the way and allowed those once paralyzed by fear of sales to blossom with confidence as they found comfortable ways to serve their customers and remain true to who they are as individuals. Those who came in with with higher level of skills have found a way to simplify what they are doing and train those joining them to hit the ground running and make their business profitable. I’m so thankful to Tasha and her team for bringing so much value to our industry! – doTERRA Presidential Diamond

Webinar Host

Karen Hammond – Emerge Sales Training, VP of Sales

So many things! This program has changed my life and my team. It’s helped me simplify the process of launching new leaders. It’s so simple and duplicatable and FUN! I became so much better at selling the oils and I put myself through the training to really help me learn the right skills to sell essential oils. I was so overwhelmed with what direction to take my team and then Emerge fell on my lap. I couldn’t be more grateful for such a wonderful training and the hands on approach that Emerge brings to us Wellness Advocates. My teams growth is increasing and many stagnant builders are back in the game! -doTERRA Blue Diamond

Confidence in sharing the simplicity of the oils and products.  New team members “on boarded” so smoothly!  Way less confusion at classes with multiple people. – doTERRA Gold

Simplified the way I teach. Improved my closing percentage and average sale.  I stopped spinning my wheels by sampling and following up.  I just focused on setting sales appointments and more consistently performing wellness consults and bringing up the business.  I have launched more people into the business and have a drastically improved personal retention rate. – doTERRA Platinum

Had several business builder prospects and closed and launched 3 in the last month.  Also revamped my training and coaching skills with my current builders and using the Emerge format and saw an increase in their sales results and their comfort level in setting apointments and closing. – doTERRA Elite

I love my business again.  Confidence and enjoyment doing the business again!  Happy Customers.  3 potential builders and 5 builders ready to do the business again with new Emerge training. – doTERRA Gold

Simple and easy to use duplication and training process. – doTERRA Diamond

Join us at the next FREE

Closing Webinar