The Joyful Leader

What is The Joyful Leader?

Well, if you’ve been through all three of our core programs, then this is the next step.

Our graduates turn to The Joyful Leader when…

  • They want to be a part of a thriving, like-minded community of Emerge superstars
  • They are motivated to reach their next goal
  • They do not need to “learn more.”  They need to get into action and be encouraged
  • They want access to one of the best coaches to clarify, troubleshoot, encourage, and provide feedback.

What makes The Joyful Leader different than other Emerge courses is…

  • It’s run like the team you want to run
  • There is no skill development
  • You have individual access to a coach for troubleshooting

The Joyful Leader is group coaching-like option with access, community, accountability, troubleshooting, and FUN!

Who is this course for?

– This is for you if you make between $2 – $6K per month in your network marketing business

– This is for you if you have the skills, but now you need accountability and community so that you put those skills into ACTION!

– This is for you if you want to implement right away and get referrals from day one! 

Who is this course NOT for?

– This is not for you if you are not a graduate of our core courses.

– This is not for you if you don’t plan to implement any of the skills that you learned over the last few months with Emerge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: When does this group start?
Answer: Live calls are Tuesday’s from 9:00am – 10:30am Pacific, barring major US holidays. You can join at anytime.

Question: Is this a course?
Answer: No, this is a group coaching experience that will be focused on ACTION!  We know that you know the skills you need to be successful.  Now, it’s all about implementation.  This group will help you with that.

Question: What is the structure of this group coaching?
Answer: Attend bi-weekly group coaching to get help with your goals, or troubleshoot your plans. Additionally, you will have a one on one session with coach AJ. Be encouraged by the wins of others, and learn from their wins and lessons. Submit your goals and action plan to your coach and get feedback when appropriate.

Question: How much is it?
Answer:  Monthly payments of $300 (*Please note this is not eligible for coupons)

Question: Is this group going to be amazing with a side of awesome-sauce?
Answer: Yes.

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