If you are not actively gaining new contacts, you are going to go out of business.  So let’s talk about what brings you the most joy when generating leads?

Is it classes or parties?  Is it personal referrals? Vendor events?  Social media outreach?

Today,  I’m sharing this interview that I had with Amy Quaid, who had a eye-popping month and generated 23 new customers in the month.  

So clearly, the first question I had to ask was how in the world did she had enough contacts to get that many new customers in one month.  You can read a brief summary of the interview below, or you can listen above or watch the interview.

One thing that Amy mentions is that the work started the month before at an event for pet adoptions, even though there were no sales made the day of the event.  Because of that event, Amy was contacted by others to participate in other vendor events in the area.

Part of this success for Amy has to do with the fact that going out and doing events brings her JOY!  She also picked a topic that she enJOYed that targeted a specific market, and that was not the norm. Because the first five events she did were not successful, she chose to do the next event differently.  She chose to treat the event like a party and made it fun for her as well as her potential customers, and that is when it shifted.

She signed up 16 people in 1 day.

That is quite a shift!  And she still has more leads from the event that she hasn’t called yet.

There was a major mental shift.  Amy changed her strategy by starting to have fun and putting customers first. That’s JOY.

It’s important to note that for Amy got out and tried something even though it wasn’t perfect.  When it didn’t work, she made adjustments and tried again and leaned into her zone of genius.

Confidence, belief and enthusiasm are contagious, and Amy was able to transfer that to the people she met at these events…and that led to a great month.

These are just some highlights of the interview with Amy.  You can listen to the entire above, or you can watch the interview in the link below.

Thank you for checking out today’s post.  I hope Amy’s story is an encouragement to you for your business.

Go do something today that brings you JOY in your business and moves it forward.  Have a great day!