It’s ok to have a meltdown…or two…or three meltdowns.  I’m not only saying that to you, but I’m saying that to myself as well.

I have a tendency to take all of my emotions, shove them into a box, and then push that box aside. 

This probably started back when I was a kid. I grew up around all boys, and I was watching The Little Mermaid with them. I felt like I was about to cry.  I pulled it back and said to myself, “No, nope. Not ok.…” That likely started a lifetime of shoving stuff down.

If you’re only reading this, you can’t see the shirt that I’m wearing (so watch the video HERE).  My shirt has a picture of a taco and says, “Every now and then I fall apart.” And I feel like it is important for you to have permission to fall apart once in a while.

A lot of us feel the pressure to keep it all together, and over the past few years, I have unwillingly been led on this journey to “explore my feelings”.  As much as I would hate to admit it, it has actually been helpful. I don’t cry very often, but I still have meltdowns. I can’t recognize they are coming, but a few people in my life can.

I want to make sure that you have permission, or even a coaching command (if I am allowed to give you one), to have a meltdown.  For me, I typically have one per week. I have one business, and I think you’re allowed one meltdown per week per business 😉.

At the time of this recording, it is March 30th during the global pandemic. We have finished two full weeks of stay-at-home orders in California… which is terrifying.  Our family can’t go anywhere. We are missing our friends and family, feeling cooped up, and the weather hasn’t been that great.  You may have experienced or have loved ones who have experienced lay-offs at work and feeling unstable financially. There is so much that is unknown.

If you’re like me, we’re the people that have to hold it all together for everyone else. 

If you haven’t had a meltdown yet –then you probably need to try to have one.

Living in Southern California, we know big earthquakes are things that could happen.  So every time there is a small earthquake (3.0-4.0), we are super grateful because every small earthquake means we are avoiding a huge, catastrophic earthquake.  I think meltdowns are similar.

If we have little meltdowns, maybe it will hold off a big one.

I noticed in my coaching last week with the awesome leaders I get to work with the stress was starting to wear on them.  By Friday night I was emotionally exhausted, and I thought “Man I could use a few drinks and some candy!” But I know that’s not healthy, and I gave up dessert for Lent.  So I was so sad in my no-tear induced meltdown.

And I think it’s ok.

I think we can still be productive, and we can still contribute, and still have meltdowns (I do that most Tuesdays).  It is just ok, and I want to give you that permission as a coach.  

If you’re scared about what’s going to happen in your business, it’s ok.  Journal that …ish out, and then do your best to refocus. Then if you are having more meltdowns than usual, remember we are in a crisis and that is ok.  We are all trying to do our best.

So it is ok.  It is ok to have a meltdown.  That is the talk I gave multiple times last week.  I figured if it was ok for my clients to have meltdowns, my business partner to have a meltdown, and my husband to have a meltdown, it is ok for you to have a meltdown too.

If you don’t have a safe place to have a meltdown or a little bit of a fit, let us know.  We have communities for that, and we got your back.

That’s it for me today.  I hope you have some encouragement from that. And remember these 3 tips:

  1. Allow yourself the space to have a meltdown.  
  2. Journal and write it all out so it doesn’t just sit in your head taking up brain space.
  3. Shift your focus to something that will keep you from wallowing in your meltdown once you process your emotions.  I am by no means an expert in processing emotions, but I hope you find this helpful.


P.S. If you haven’t downloaded a free copy of my new book, Customer First, you can do that HERE. I think you will find it helpful on how to keep your customer feeling served and loved during this crazy time.