Welcome to the Emerge Recruiting Hub

To be successful in Network Marketing you need to do these 3 things.  Learn how to sell, learn how to teach people how to sell, and DEVELOP LEADERS! 

(This Recruiting Hub is the “How to Develop Leaders,” part of that equation.)

You can learn how to sell consistently and be a solid leader, without going through grueling years of hard knocks.

Would You Fire Yourself? #502

Today we are going to have an honest conversation about what’s hard about recruiting and how to be successful.  I have been hesitating to share this story, but I think it will be helpful for many of you. We are going to dive into the numbers, exactly what it takes,...

Here is how your business will change when you learn

how to develop leaders

THIS IS YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU CREATE A RECRUITING CULTURE ON YOUR TEAM:  You no longer get frustrated with doing this business all alone.  You have a team that is motivated because they are trained and skilled and know how to move forward with their businesses.  You don’t wonder anymore if, “I could just clone myself, everything would be so much easier.”

THIS IS YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU CREATE A RECRUITING CULTURE ON YOUR TEAM:  Your team meetings are fun, energetic, and full of the team culture that you and your team have created together. You and your team have the words to say to feel confident in inviting more people into your amazing culture.

THIS IS YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU CREATE A RECRUITING CULTURE ON YOUR TEAM:  More people get your products in their hands.  You are not only impacted 5-10 families a month, but 500 families…1,000 families, 10,000 familes.  You and your team have built an awesome atmosphere where your customers come first!

How will you get there?

Let us introduce you to “Please, Recruit Responsibly.”

We Bring You the View of Your Customer

We are not only sales coaches and sales professionals…we are also big time customers of many different network marketing products.  The philosophy in which we teach is customer first, team second, my  ego third.

Our Programs are Founded in Science

All of our signature courses were written by Tasha Smith very carefully to account for customer psychology and neuroscience.  But don’t worry, we aren’t boring…we are good humans that love to have fun.

We are Actually Here for Your

Emerge does not exist to sell online courses and retire off of passive income.  We love nothing more than to be there to support all of our students through our group coaching programs and personal outreach.

Because we have so many wins EVERY DAY pouring in from our students...we just want to show you our daily #emergewin Instagram feed....it's #awesome...

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