Hi everyone! Welcome to the blog! In this blog we are going to walk you through amazing tips to help you get the most out of your career. We also love to answer your questions! Please drop us a line with your sales question and get ready to emerge!
Fear of getting noticed #583

Fear of getting noticed #583

I just started reading a marketing book called “Get Different” by Mike Michalowicz. I’ve read most of his books and this quote stopped me in my tracks. “As much as we want to get noticed, we are also terrified of doing something noticeable.” OOF. I can relate on a...

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Is your sales presentation killing sales? #582

Is your sales presentation killing sales? #582

Is your sales presentation or product overview killing your sales?  So many people are working so much harder than they need to when it comes to their business.  Yes, we have to network. Yes, we have to invite. Yes, we have to explain how the products work....

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How to Create a Thriving Facebook Group with Allise #581

How to Create a Thriving Facebook Group with Allise #581

Alisse went from feeling like she was "begging people to pay attention" to her in Facebook group posts to creating a thriving group that has helped increase her sales volume and income. ?? Watch this video to learn exactly how she did this... I think it will be very...

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Mythbusters: Facebook Group Edition #580

Mythbusters: Facebook Group Edition #580

Today we are going to do Mythbusters to tackle the 3 biggest myths about Facebook groups: Facebook groups are dead/everybody hates Facebook/the algorithm sucks. Facebook groups are too time-consuming. I don't need a Facebook group for my network marketing business....

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#1 Social Media Mistake That is Repelling Customers #579

#1 Social Media Mistake That is Repelling Customers #579

Are you surprised to hear that when I meet many of our clients for the first time they share that they are ready to give up on social media?  They are desperately trying to build a business online and feel frustrated and like, “What’s wrong with me, why can’t I...

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Secrets for Building Value Right Away #578

Secrets for Building Value Right Away #578

When we ask people what’s hard for them when it comes to selling their products, we consistently hear the same things: People aren’t interested.  It feels like they have to convince them or be pushy   Potential customers/business builders just don’t get...

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5 Steps to Build (or rebuild) Your Network Marketing Team #577

5 Steps to Build (or rebuild) Your Network Marketing Team #577

Today, I'm going to tell you how I responded when I lost my entire team. Everybody quit, and it was just me…  I’m going to share the 5 steps that I took and I think it will encourage you today. Tasha https://youtu.be/SF1gWIFNwl0 Not sure where to start to work with...

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What to Do When it Feels Hard to Sell #576

What to Do When it Feels Hard to Sell #576

It feels harder to make sales right now. Does that feel true for you? Let’s have some real talk about why that is and exactly what we can do. I hope this encourages you today! Tasha https://youtu.be/n5xDmdCDGCg Not sure where to start to work with us? Download a FREE...

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Avoid Failure to Launch #574

Avoid Failure to Launch #574

Ever wondered about the first steps in recruiting? Or faced challenges in bringing serious individuals on board? ? Today, I'm coaching Celeste through how to avoid "failure to launch" with builders. When we dove into her process we discovered one critical missing...

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